Our new branch is now at MAHINDRA WORLD CITY!

Student Leadership
At RV, we believe that every child has unique potential which when fulfilled makes the world a better place. We believe that when we empower our students to explore their fullest potential and give ample opportunities and guidance, they grow, play the role of an enabler for others, all in service of building a better community and country, thereby developing themselves into strong and vocal leaders of tomorrow.
Currently, the students of RV have the following opportunities to hone their leadership skills:
Student Council
Lifelong Learning | Initiative | Collaboration | Leadership
The students of Grades IX-XII nominate themselves or a third person from their respective grades for the various Council Posts
A round of voting is held to shortlist the final candidates from the list of nominated students. This is done
by students of Grades IX-XII
The Election Commission shortlists the top 3 candidates for each post. These candidates campaign during the school assembly, in classrooms during the allotted time, and also display their posters across various notice boards. The final voting is done by all the staff and students from Grade VI-XII in a physical space.
FInaL PhasE
ABOUT the Student Council
Our Student Council is a group of student leaders working along with the Student Leadership Coordinator to impact their school community and ensure that the School Code of Conduct is enforced and followed effectively among their peers. The purpose of our Student Council is to give students an opportunity to develop leadership by organizing and carrying out school activities and other school-related projects. They also act as a voice for the student community.
Our Student Council consists of:
School Pupil Leader
Assistant School Pupil Leader
Cultural Secretary
Assistant Cultural Secretary
Sports Secretary
Assistant Sports Secretary
House Captains
Vice Captains (2 for each House)

Lifelong Learning | Collaboration | Passion | Joy | Humility
The nominees who contest and do not win the final election are automatically assigned the post of Changemakers. They work closely with the P.E. staff, Student Leadership Coordinator and other staff members to carry out different responsibilities including coordination and organization of school-wide activities, celebrations, competitions.
Being a Changemaker provides these students an opportunity to build a true sense of leadership and purpose. This also aids the current as well as upcoming students of IX-XII to participate in more student leadership activities, more so as these students have already started on their path of being leaders.

Lifelong Learning | Excellence | Self-confidence
"Only the brave teach"
This year, we have a set of student leaders emulating the above quote by donning the role of Facilitators. These are students, who up until now, have been exposed to and provided with multiple leadership opportunities. To help these students harness their potential and hone their skills further, a platform to explore peer facilitation was provided.
The student facilitators for Communication Skills have proven their mettle as excellent orators in the previous years by being an active part of competitions, event organization, and leadership opportunities like Student Council and School Tour in-charges. Hence, this was the perfect opportunity for these two to facilitate Communication Skills classes for their peers.
The Digital Designing & Media Management class is facilitated by the members of our RV Tech Team, a student-driven club that was established to extend overall technical support in all the events, programs and activities that happen across the school.